Simple Magic Packet Service / 2024
Simple Magic Packet Service
is a C# web application that exposes two web api endpoints for Wake on LAN packet sending and ICMP Ping checks. It was developed for Home Assistant to keep Home Assistant itself off of sensitive networks but have the ability to use Wake on LAN for Computers, Televisions and other WoL compatible devices. I did not want cross-vlan/network multicast traffic as it complicates things too much in the home network, thus this service was developed.
This service takes basic networking and Home Assistant knowledge to successfully implement.
Git repository/learn more here.
Simple Magic Packet Service does not have any built-in authentication for sending Wake on LAN or ICMP packets. It is meant to be used within a home network were sending Wake on LAN packets or ICMP pings to endpoints while being unauthenticated is not an issue or worry. Authentication is being planned in the form of X-API-Key header but is not the primary focus of this repository at this time.
With this being said, it was developed with absolutely no intentions of implementation in secure enterprise or corporate networks.
Simple Magic Packet Service is only compatible Docker running Linux on the host OS. This is due to the requirement of bridging the host network adapters to the container for proper multicast support. By default, Docker containers are NATed and do not support multicast on the host’s network.
To use Simple Magic Packet Service
, follow these steps:
Follow the installation steps for installing Docker Engine on your platform of choice.
Clone the repository:
git clone
cd "simple-magic-packet-service/Simple Magic Packet Service"
docker build -t smps_server:latest .
There are two options for spinning up a container:
Create a docker-compose.yml
file with the contents of:
image: smps_server:latest
container_name: smps_server
network_mode: host
restart: unless-stopped
Start the Docker container with docker compose up -d
This will run the container in detached mode and will start with the Docker Engine unless explicitly stopped (example: on system reboot, if Docker is enabled to start on boot).
Start the Docker container with docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --network host --name smps_server smps_server:latest
This will run the container in detached mode and will start with the Docker Engine unless explicitly stopped (example: on system reboot, if Docker is enabled to start on boot).
Once the Docker container has been spun up, it will listen on HTTP *:8080 via the host’s network connections.
The application exposes two HTTP API Endpoints:
Method: POST /magicpacket
"success": true,
"errors": [],
"messages": [
"A magic packet for 00:00:00:00:00:00 was sent."
Method: POST /ping
"success": true,
"errors": [],
"messages": [
"Host is online with RTT latency of 0ms."
"success": false,
"errors": [
"Status: TimedOut"
"messages": [
"Ping for did not complete successfully.",
"Reference errors field for more information."
Home Assistant integration is very easy to implement and uses the REST/REST Commands integration alongside Binary Sensors to determine host status.
To implement a basic host status check button with Wake on LAN support:
and add:rest_command:
url: "http://{CHANGEME_DOCKER_HOST}:8080/magicpacket"
method: POST
Content-Type: application/json
payload: '{"macAddress": "{{ macaddress }}"}'
- platform: rest
name: Living Room TV Online
resource: "http://{CHANGEME_DOCKER_HOST}:8080/ping"
method: POST
Content-Type: application/json
payload: '{"ipAddress": "{CHANGEME_DEVICE_IPADDR}"}'
value_template: "{{ value_json.success }}"
scan_interval: 1
type: button
name: Living Room TV (Wake on LAN)
action: call-service
service: rest_command.send_magic_packet
action: none
state_color: true
icon: mdi:power
entity: binary_sensor.living_room_tv_online
After adding the button, it will display the state of the binary sensor (binary_sensor.living_room_tv_online
) via a color.
Clicking the button will result in Home Assistant sending a POST request to the Simple Magic Packet Service server and will send out a Wake on LAN packet to the device.
The button’s color will change depending on if the host is responding to ICMP pings.
The button does not support turning the device off, rather just waking it from an offline state.
🤚HEADS UP: Do not forget to change the following placeholders in the example implementation configuration:
: The IP address of the Docker host running the Simple Magic Packet Service container.{CHANGEME_DEVICE_IPADDR}
: The IP address of the device you want to check the online status of.{CHANGEME_DEVICE_MACADDR}
: The IP address of the device you want to send magic packets to.CHANGEME_DEVICE_IPADDR
’s MAC address should resolve to {CHANGEME_DEVICE_MACADDR}
for ideal functionality.Here is a look at the final button programmed to my LG webOS TV on the dashboard (my Home Assistant instance is using a theme, yours may look different):